Minggu, 30 Juni 2013


Poetry is one of three genres of literature produced by writers of Indonesia. As with other literary works (prose and drama), the poem also contains the much needed meaning to human life, especially about the values or the norms of life, both individual life, social life, and life of the nation.
Based on these two subjects Poetry became compulsory subjects for students of English Studies Program UNIGAL. The ultimate goal of completion of this course is for students skilled read and writes poetry for the sake of themselves and teaching. English Studies Program students work as teacher subjects English Language and Literature at the junior / senior high school. Understanding and our skills to read and write poetry will assist us in carrying out duties as subject teachers of English Language and Literature professionals.
Literary work consists of 2 types, namely prose and poetry. Usually prose essay called free, while the poem is called bouquet tied. However, at present, the poet trying to escape from the strict rule was created to free verse.
In Indonesia there are 2 terms of literary poetry and rhymes. Poetry in English poetry and rhymes in poem. Poetry is a kind of literary, while the poem is an individual poem. Therefore, the second term is not mixed use.
Correspondence and periodicity is a formal form of a poem. Even the New Poet poetry still attached to the correspondence and periodicity. New poetry (modern) deviates understanding of poetry by a long sight. New poetry is not bound by formal forms, correspondence, and the periodicity of it. Therefore, a new poetry (modern) is called free or blank verse poetry.
Formal forms long poem is really a means to create a beautiful poem. Formal forms were still used by modern poetry, but not a bond, not a fixed pattern.
A new poem in fact bound as well, but is bound by its own nature, not bound by the patterns of formal form. The pattern of formal form is not the essence of poetry.
Alterbern (in Pradopo, 1987) says that poetry is drama experience that is the interpretation of the rhythmic language. There are three main elements in the poetry of thought / ideas / emotions, shapes, and impression. So poetry expresses the thoughts that evoke feelings, which stimulates the imagination of the senses in the rhythmic structure of language.
Poetry, like other literary works, is part of the social institutions that use the medium of language. The poem presents the 'life' and 'life' largely made up of social reality, although literary works are also 'mimic' the natural and the human subjective world. In this context, the poet gained recognition and appreciation of society and have mass even if only theoretically. Thus, understanding poetry cannot be separated from social and cultural backgrounds.
Literature reflects and expresses life. Poet, cannot but express their experiences and views on life. However, it is not true to say that the poet expresses life as a whole or the life of a certain age in a concrete and comprehensive. By saying that the author must express life fully represent the community and its time we had to impose a specific assessment criteria. If poetry is associated with benefits for society, a key point that needs to be known is to make us see what is there every day in front of us, and imagine what conceptually.
Poetry is a new fact that has meaning when given meaning by the reader. However, giving meaning may not be what you like, but based upon or within the framework of a system of signs. This meaning is the concretization of the original term which means "pengkonkretan" meaning of literary works. In addition, the poem is a complex structure that uses many tools poetical together to get the network effect as much as possible. Therefore, to understand poetry should be analyzed so that its elements will be found meaningful or that should be given meaning. 
Interpret the poem requires knowledge and continuous training. Required knowledge of understanding of poems related to the intrinsic elements are interpreted and extrinsic poetry. Closest elements in the meaning of poetry include diction, or the use of words associated with denotative and connotative meanings. 
Knowledge of the connotative meaning requires knowledge of the means of rhetoric that includes language or language style of allusion. In addition to all other knowledge is needed about something outside poetry but poetry that is associated with interpreted. In other words meaning poetry requires knowledge of the extrinsic elements of poetry, especially about the era he wrote the poem, about the life of the author, and author's point of view. 
Systematically, the meaning of poetry is conducted through five steps. The first step of understanding of poetry is to read the poem as a whole. Second, determine the words that are considered difficult. Third, find the meaning of these words in the dictionary. Fourth, define the words / groups of words that connotative meaning or the use of speech / language allusion is most likely related to the replacement indirect expression meaning, the meaning of deviation, and deviation sense and find meaning / intent. Fifth, use of others knowledge (extrinsic elements) to associate these meanings, giving rise to the integrity of meaning. Sixth and final, write the contents into a prose poem that communicative.
Word reading and reading is formed from the same word that is read. Reading meaningful activity for its own sake is good to do without noise or with sound. Reading comes from the word that gets read prefix and suffix, meaningful activities carried out with a sound as intended for someone else.
Reading aims to understand the discourse of writing or a paper. Read aimed at delivering what is understood by the reader. Thus, to be able to read a work such as poetry, the reader must understand the first poem to be recited.
The most important thing to understand a work or a poem, the reader must understand the whole meaning of words contained in the poems he read, while to be able to properly read a poem, in addition to understanding the content of the poem the reader should also be able to express purpose contained in the poem.
Activities of literary readings in principle are an effort to understand and enjoy the work. Efforts to understand and enjoy literary works are not individual, but tend to be collective. That is, someone who did the reading of literary works (poetry, drama) involves the listener or viewer to be able to enjoy the work. 
The reading of literary works, including poetry is an activity that is descriptive. That is, the sound of a voice says or does not appear arbitrarily, but must be able to explain the content of reading. Thus, a reader demanded to know and understand the purpose of which is contained in the works read. 
Two things that must be mastered to be able to read poetry well, that is the mastery of linguistic factors and no languages. Mastery of linguistic factors, include pronunciation and intonation. 
Pronunciation is an attempt to pronounce segmental elements, namely the sounds of language (phonemes), syllables, words, phrases, and sentences. Pronunciation in poetry must be adjusted with the spirit and theme of poetry. Intonation or suprasegmental elements in the reading of poetry include tone, rhythm, dynamics, and tempo. Mastery no languages factors, including (1) posture, (2) gestures and expression, (3) volume, and (4) fluency and accuracy.
The subject or teaching materials above can be mastered with ease if we can learn together or with the help of our teachers. In addition, do not be lazy or shy in practicing reading and writing poetry. Please use our imagination and creativity, both as to understand, read and write poetry.

Keep to learn and practice, we can success !

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

10 Tanda Cewek yang Sedang Berbohong

Banyak cara untuk mengetahui apakah pasangan pria berbohong. Namun, jangan salah, saat Wanita berbohong tandanya juga bisa dideteksi pria. John DeVore, penulis ‘Mind of Man’ menuturkan sebenarnya lebih mudah mendeteksi kebohongan pada wanita, asal tahu tanda-tandanya. Berikut beberapa sinyal kebohongan yang dapat diperhatikan dari gerak-gerik kaum hawa seperti dikutip dari Your Tango.
1. Bahasa tubuh menggoda
Saat seorang wanita ingin mengalihkan perhatian dari sesuatu, ia akan berubah menjadi lebih seksi dan menggoda pasangan. Tujuannya agar pasangan pria lupa.
2. Kejutan tidak menyenangkan
Jika tidak merasa menyukai hadiah atau melakukan sesuatu yang buruk, wanita akan mengganti rasa bersalahnya dengan sebuah kejutan. Memberi hadiah atau bunga tanpa alasan bisa menjadi barometer ada sesuatu yang ia sembunyikan.
3. Tanggapan berbeda
Apakah Anda menanggapi pertanyaan dan keingintahuan pasangan dengan santai atau sebaliknya? Penjelasan yang terbata-bata atau emosional tanpa sebab bisa menjadi tanda-tanda Anda sedang berkelit.
4. Bahasa terlalu formal
Anda menyatakan alasan kepada kekasih hampir seperti pada orang yang tak dikenal. Hati-hati, si dia bisa merasa pernyataan Anda seperti pidato yang telah dipersiapkan dan sangat berhati-hati.
5. Menunjukkan sikap bermusuhan
Anda yang langsung emosi dan marah saat ditanya mengenai sesuatu menunjukkan sikap defensif. Jika benar-benar peduli, Anda akan menghapus semua tuduhan itu dengan menjawab pertanyaan apa adanya.
6. Bahasa tubuh
Gelisah, menghindari kontak mata dengan pasangan dan gerakan berulang-ulang adalah pertanda buruk wanita menyembunyikan sesuatu.
7. Selalu berbohong
Biasanya wanita hampir selalu berbohong kepada orang lain untuk kepentingannya sendiri. Jadi, bukan tidak mungkin pasangan juga menjadi salah seorang korban karakternya yang berkompromi terhadap kebohongan.
8. Menghilangkan detil cerita
Wanita bercerita panjang lebar namun tidak menyertakan detil-detilnya. Seringkali dengan bahasa tubuh yang gugup.
9. Mengaku tak pernah memikirkan mantan
Dengan tegas wanita menolak ia masih mengingat mantan kekasihnya. Bisa jadi wanita tengah berbohong. Setiap wanita pasti pernah mengenang kehilangan cinta, meskipun hubungan yang sedang dijalani baik-bak saja.
10. Pria perlu dengarkan kata hati
Pria perlu mendengarkan naluri bila berpikir ada sesuatu yang mencurigakan. Lebih baik tanyakan pada wanita untuk menghindari paranoia. Namun, jika pria masih merasa sesuatu tidak beres setelah mendengar penjelasan dari pihak wanita, kemungkinan besar memang ada sesuatu yang terjadi.


Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Narrative Text

Penjelasan + Contoh Narrative Text
Semua orang pasti sering menceritakan kejadian yang dialaminya ke pada seseorang, baik teman, saudara, orang tua, dll. Nah, sebenarnya apa yang kita lakukan ketika menceritakan kejadian yang kita alami ke seseorang merupakan contoh aplikatif dari Narrative Text. Oleh karena itu semua orang pasti sudah tahu atau paling tidak pernah mendengar kata Narrative Text sebelumnya. Narrative Text merupakan jenis teks bahasa inggris yang sering muncul dan di ajarkan pada tingkat pendidikan SMP atau SMP. Tapi apa sih sebenarnya Narrative Text itu?
Untuk itu, pada kesempatan kali ini penulis mencoba hadirkan pengertian, tujuan komunikatif, struktur kebahasaan, ciri kebahasaan dan contoh dari Narrative Text. Semoga penjelasan di bawah ini bermanfaat. Terima kasih.

A. Pengertian Narrative Text

Narrative Text adalah satu dari 13 jenis teks bahasa inggris (genre) yang lahir dari kalangan Narration (lihat Types Of Text) sepertihalnya Recount Text, Anecdote Text, Spoof Text dan News Items Text yang mana berfungsi untuk menceritakan kisah masa lampau dan untuk hiburan.

B. Tujuan Komunikatif Narrative Text

Tujuan Komunikatif Narrative Text seperti yang dijelaskan di atas adalah untuk menghibur pendengar atau pembaca tentang suatu kisah atau cerita masa lampau yang bertalian dengan pengalaman nyata, khayal atau peristiwa-peristiwa pelik yang mengarah ke suatu krisis, yang pada akhirnya menemukan suatu penyelesaian.

C. Generic Structure Narrative Text

Setiap jenis teks bahasa Inggris (genre) memiliki struktur teksnya sendiri-sendiri. Struktur dari Narrative Text terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu :

1. Orientation
Pada bagian Orientation atau pengenalan berisi tentang pengenalan tokoh dalam cerita serta waktu dan tempat kejadiannya.
2. Complication
Pada bagian Complication berisi tentang gambaran munculnya krisis atau masalah yang di alami oleh tokoh pada cerita tersebut yang harus dipecahkan.
3. Resolution
Pada bagian Resolution berisi tentang bagaiman tokoh dari cerita tersebut memecahkan masalah yang ada pada bagian Complication. Biasanya terdapat lebih dari satu Resolution untuk satu Complication.

Pada beberapa referensi tentang Narrative Text, terdapat tambahan generic structure pada Narrative Text, yaitu penambahan Coda setelah Resoultion. Jadi susunan Narrative text adalah Orientiation, Complication, Resolution dan Coda. Coda adalah bagian terakhir dari structure Narrative Text yang berisi perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita tersebut.

D. Ciri Kebahasan Narrative Text

Pada Narrative Text, terdapat beberapa ciri-ciri antara lain sebagai berikut :
  • Mengunakan Action Verb dalam bentuk Past Tense. Misalnya : Climbed, Turned, Brought, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Nouns tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan dan benda tertentu dalam cerita. Misalnya : the king, the queen, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Adjectives yang membentuk noun phrase. Misalnya : long black hair, two red apples, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Time Connectives dan Conjunctions untuk mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian. Misalnya : then, before, after, soon, dsb.
  • Menggunakan Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa. Misalnya : here, in the mountain, happily ever after, dsb.

E. Contoh Narrative Text

Banyak sudah contoh mengenai Narrative Text yang telah dibuat , anda bisa melihatnya di Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris Se-Dunia. Tapi untuk lebih afdolnya, penulis hadirkan contoh Narrative Text sebagai berikut beserta contohnya.

Snow White

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were dead. (Suatu ketika, hiduplah seorang gadis bernama Snow White. Dia tinggal bersama paman dan bibinya, karena orangtuanya telah meninggal.)
Complication 1 
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White. Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
(Suatu hari dia mendengar paman dan bibinya berbicara tentang rencana meninggalkan istana karena mereka berdua ingin pergi ke Ameria dan mereka tidak mempunyai cukup uang untuk membawa serta Snow White.) (Snow White tidak ingin paman dan bibinya melakukan hal tersebut, sehingga dia memutuskan akan lebih baik jika dia pergi. Pagi harinya dia pergi dari rumah ketika paman dan bibi nya sedang sarapan. Dia lari ke dalam hutan.) 
Resolution 1
Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep. Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “what is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is Snow White.” Doc, one of the dwarfs, said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow White said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and finally Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.
(Kemudian dia melihat gubuk kecil. Dia mengetuk pintu tetapi tidak ada yang menjawab sehingga dia masuk dan merasa ngantuk.) (Sementara itu, tujuh kurcaci telah pulang dari pekerjaannya. Mereka masuk. Di sana mereka menemukan Snow White tertidur. Kemudian Snow White terbangun. Dia melihat kurcaci tersebut. Kurcaci tersebut berkata "Siapa nama kamu?" Snow White menjawab, "Nama saya Snow White.") (Doc, salah satu dari kurcaci tersebut berkata, "Jika kamu mau, kamu bisa tinggal di sini bersama kami." Snow White berkata, "Oh, bolehkah? Terima kasih." Kemudian Snow White menceritakan semua kisahnya dan akhirnya Snow White dan 7 kurcaci hidup bahagian selamanya.)

Kecamatan Panawangan Kabupaten Ciamis Jawa Barat

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang tempat saya dilahirkan, tempat saya dibesarkan, tempat saya tinggal dengan orang-orang terdekat saya. Meskipun berada di sebuah desa terpencil tapi saya sangat merasa bangga dengan desa saya.  Saya tinggal di desa Karangpaningal Kecamatan Panawangan Kabupaten Ciamis 46255.

Kecamatam Panawangan adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Ciamis, Provinsi Jawa Barat,  Indonesia. Kecamatan ini berbatasan disebelah utara dengan Kecamatan Sukamantri, sebelah timur dengan Kecamatan Cikijing, sebelah selatan dengan Kecamatan Rajadesa, dan sebelah barat berbatasan dengan Kecamatan Lumbung. Kecamatan panawangan terbagi atas 18 Desa, yang dibagi menjadi beberapa Dusun. Pusat Pemerintahan berada di Desa Panawangan.
Desa Kertajaya, Mekarbuana, Nagarawangi, dan Natanegara adalah desa-desa yang mengalami pemekaran pada bulan Januari 2013. Desa yang berada di Kecamatan Panawangan yaitu :
  1. Bangunjaya
  2. Cinyasag
  3. Gardujaya
  4. Girilaya
  5. Indragiri
  6. Jagabaya
  7. Karangpaningal
  8. Kertajaya
  9. Kertayasa
  10. Mekarbuana
  11. Nagarajati
  12. Nagarajaya
  13. Nagarapageuh
  14. Nagarawangi
  15. Natanegara
  16. Panawangan
  17. Sadapaingan
  18. Sagalaherang
Sebagian besar wilayah Kecamatan Panawangan merupakan berupa dataran tinggi. Keacamatan Panawangan berada di jalan lintas jalur Ciamis-Cirebon. Pelayanan antar-kirim surat, barang, dan titipan dana dapat dilakukan melalui Kantor Pos di kecamatan. Sambungan telepon-tetap telah menjangkau untuk daerah Desa Panawangan, kecuali di areal pegunungan yang masih belum diinstalasi. Untuk kepentingan telekomunikasi bergerak, di pusat kecamatan, semua operator selular GSM nasional dan beberapa operator CDMA telah dapat dimanfaatkan dengan cukup baik, juga di beberapa desa sekitarnya. Sementara desa-desa lainnya baru dijangkau operator GSM. Di beberapa Desa, Internet juga telah dapat diakses melalui sambungan telepon-tetap. Untuk di bidang kesehatan di Kecamatan terdapat klinik Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas), juga terdapat beberapa Praktik Dokter Swasta.

Panawangan mempunyai panorama pemandangan yang sangat indah, udara yang sejuk, serta orang-orangnya yang ramah. Panawangan juga sangat terkenal dengan makanan khasnya yaitu Ketupat yang biasa orang-orang menyebut sebagai makanan khas lebaran.  Untuk suhu di Kecamatan Panawangan rata-rata berkisar 25°C. Jadi untuk daerah ini lumayan dingin.

Demikian info tentang Kecamatan Panawangan semoga bermanfaat bagi khususnya bagi penulis dan umumnya bagi pembaca. Terima kasih dan maaf bila banyak kekurangan. 

Sabtu, 08 Juni 2013

Pengertian Karakter

Disiplin diri merupakan hal penting dalam setiap upaya membangun dan membentuk karakter seseorang. Sebab karakter mengandung pengertian:
(1) Suatu kualitas positif yang dimiliki seseorang, sehingga membuatnya menarik dan atraktif;
(2)  Reputasi seseorang; dan
(3)  Seseorang yang unusual atau memiliki kepribadian yang eksentrik.
Akar kata karakter dapat dilacak dari kata Latin kharakter, kharassein, dan kharax, yang maknanya "tools for marking", "to engrave", dan "pointed stake". Kata ini mulai banyak digunakan (kembali) dalam bahasa Perancis caractere pada abad ke-14 dan kemudian masuk dalam bahasa Inggris menjadi character, sebelum akhirnya menjadi bahasa Indonesia karakter.
Dalam Kamus Poerwadarminta, karakter diartikan sebagai tabiat; watak; sifat-sifat kejiwaan, akhlak atau budi pekerti yang membedakan seseorang daripada yang lain. Dengan pengertian di atas dapat dikatakan bahwa membangun karakter (character building) adalah proses mengukir atau memahat jiwa sedemikian rupa, sehingga `berbentuk' unik, menarik, dan berbeda atau dapat dibedakan dengan orang lain. Ibarat sebuah huruf dalam alfabet yang tak pernah sama antara yang satu dengan yang lain, demikianlah orang-orang yang berkarakter dapat dibedakan satu dengan yang lainnya (termasuk dengan yang tidak/belum berkarakter atau `berkarakter' tercela).

Source: Membangun Karakter oleh Andrias Harefa, seorang trainer dan penulis 30 buku laris.(www.goodreads.com)

Our Campus Galuh University

Galuh University or Unigal is apart of private university which located in Ciamis. Many students come to this campus from different city, town, village and others. They hope get a university which adeal with price cheaper than other campus like unigal. Now, Unigal is our campus. But, in realities sometimes we are not get a campus ideal as all imagination. The author will explain three reason why our campus not yet be campus ideal. They are include bad of facilities to study, bad parking area facilities, and administration staff who unfriendly.
The first, about facilities to study especially in FKIP like classroom is not enough to hold so many students from every grades. So that students must look for an empty room and sometimes we are not get classroom so, we can not do study proccess. And in an ideal campus must be able to adjust the quantity of student and classroom. Besides that problem, we always get a classroom which dirty and hot,too.
The second, ideally parking area have special location and all vehicle must park in there complete with security to keep our vehicle. But, in our campus condition many vehicle can park in other area like beside classroom. So, that make other student who study felt disturbed and their consentrate lost.
The last,staff administration are not profesional and unfriendly. When we will doing adminisration sometimes we get bad service from them. Such as they was served us with bad codition, not keep smile make us not confortable to do it and we found they clesed before the time finished.
From that explain we know that our campus not yet be an ideal campus, bacause in there still bad codition in every facilities. So, as a student must always still study even though we not yet get best facilities.

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

English for Specific Purpose

English for Specific Purposes
Rudi Hadi Suwarno

This paper first defines the 'English for Specific Purposes' (ESP). Meaning of ESP is a learner-centred approach to teaching English as an additional language, which focuses on developing communicative competence in a specific discipline. In this paper, fourth parts are addressed: 1) The definition of ESP, 2) The differences of ESP and EGP, 3) The purpose of learning ESP, and 4) Some examples of ESP material to learn. The aim of this paper is to show understanding of ESP (English for Specific Purpose).

The study of the English language is very important nowadays. It is the basis for better communication between people either specialists or not. Today English is the channel for technical progress as it enables the rapid exchange of information and research of the common global problems. Any specialist of any science field should properly use both ESP and EGP in order to communicate any specialized and nonspecialized subject for professionally oriented activities.
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a learner-centred approach to teaching English as an additional language, which focuses on developing communicative competence in a specific discipline, such as accounting, business, education, engineering, IT technology, academic writing and learning.  Students are also exposed to Indonesian business or academic culture and real world communication practice. According Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 19) as cited in Tsao (2011, p. 129) defined ESP as "an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner's reason for learning".
The situation in the Indonesian context is even more complicated as there is not even a separation between ESP and English for General Purposes (EGP) when it comes to syllabuses and methodology, and who is better trained to teach what. Needs assessment, which is a major component of ESP, never exists, and, if does, it is never systematic, but rather based on teachers' instuitions.
The aim of this paper is to shed light on some of the major aspects of ESP discussed in the literature to reach a better understanding of this kind of English teaching. The first section definition of ESP, and then the differences of ESP, the purpose of learning ESP, and the last are some examples of ESP material to learn.
2.1 The Definition of ESP
According Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 19) as cited in Tsao (2011, p. 129) defined ESP as "an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner's reason for learning". In the view of Chen (1993, p. 80), ESP is “a major specialization within the discipline of English language teaching”. Still, others specified ESP as the teaching of English for academic studies, or for vocational or professional purposes, as opposed to EGP, English for general knowledge and skills (Brunton, 2009; Carver, 1983; Hyland, 2006).
            Peter Strevens (1988, pp.1-2) as cited in Valeria (2010, p. 49) defines English for Specific Purposes (ESP) by making a distinction between its absolute and its variable characteristics. He considers as absolute characteristics the following. ESP –the English language teaching is:
·           Designed to meet specified needs of the learner;
·           Related in content (i.e. themes and topics) to particular disciplines, occupations and activities;
·           Centred on the language appropriate for those activities in syntax, lexis, discourse and semantics;
·           In contrast with General English.
Robinson (1991) as cited in Valeria (2010, p. 50) defines ESP on the basis of two criteria:
1.        ESP is normally “goal-directed” and
2.        ESP courses develop from a needs analysis which aims to specify what exactly it is that students have to do through the medium of English, and from a number of characteristics which explain that ESP courses are generally constrained by a limited period of time in which their objectives have to be achieved and taught to adults in homogenous classes in terms of the work or specialist studies.
According to Day and Krzanowski (2011, p. 5) ESP (English for Specific Purposes) involves teaching and learning the specific skills and language needed by particular learners for a particular purpose.
Based on the explanation above English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is a learner-centred approach to teaching English as an additional language, which focuses on developing communicative competence in a specific discipline, such as accounting, business, education, engineering, IT technology, academic writing and learning.
2.2              The Differences of ESP with General English
The question of the difference between ESP and EGP has been addressed in the literature in terms of theory and practice. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) state that there is no difference between the two in theory; however, there is a great deal of difference in practice. ESP differs from EGP in the sense that the words and sentences learned and the subject matter discussed are all relevant to a particular field or discipline. The design of syllabuses for ESP is directed towards serving the needs of learners seeking for or developing themselves in a particular occupation or specializing in a specific academic field. ESP courses make use of vocabulary tasks related to the field such as negotiation skills and effective techniques for oral presentations. A balance is created between educational theory and practical considerations. ESP also increases learners' skills in using English.
A deeper investigation, however, of the difference between the two is required. English for General Purposes (EGP) is essentially the English language education in junior and senior high schools. Learners are introduced to the sounds and symbols of English, as well as to the lexical/grammatical/rhetorical elements that compose spoken and written discourse. There is no particular situation targeted in this kind of language learning. Rather, it focuses on applications in general situations: appropriate dialogue with restaurant staff, bank tellers, postal clerks, telephone operators, English teachers, and party guests as well as lessons on how to read and write the English typically found in textbooks, newspapers, magazines, etc. EGP curriculums also include cultural aspects of the second language. EGP conducted in English-speaking countries is typically called ESL, and EGP conducted in non-English-speaking countries is normally called EFL. EGP is typically viewed as a level that precedes higher-level instruction in ESP if ESP programs are to yield satisfactory results.
Thus, ESP is centred on the language appropriate to the activities of a given discipline. According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 19) as cited in Tsao (2011, p. 129), "ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner's reason for learning."
2.3              The Purpose of Learning ESP
The main objective of teaching and learning a foreign language is to provide the learners with communicative competence, linguistic competence and cultural competence. Basturkmen (2006) describes five objectives in teaching ESP. They are:
1. To reveal subject-specific language use aims to show how English is used in the target environment and to impart to students the knowledge about it that has been revealed by linguistic research in the field. This objective is linked to the linguistic knowledge objective and to a lesser extent, the cultural knowledge objective.
2. To develop target performance competencies focus on developing the ability to perform the activities of an occupation and function to the standard expected to those employed in that occupation. Courses are organized around core skills and competencies that are also subdivided into micro skills and more specific competencies.
3. To teach underlying knowledge. Using a second or foreign language for a workplace or study purposes requires not only linguistic proficiency and knowledge but also knowledge and understanding of work-related and disciplinary concepts; underlying competencies refers to disciplinary concepts from the students’ field of study.
4. To develop strategic competence. The link between context of situation and language knowledge and can be defined as the means that enables language knowledge and content knowledge to be used in communication.
5. To foster critical awareness. Enabling students to become accepted members of those target environments, and all have a shared understanding that ESP can best help students attain this end by helping them develop the skill and knowledge they need to produce acceptable language in those environment.
2.4              Some Examples of ESP Material to Learn

1.                  Listening

Listening comprehension, although vital for communication in English, is usually the most neglected of the language skills in English programs. As a native speaker, we have a unique advantage in developing listening comprehension skills in our students. Everything that we say in the classroom can be useful in developing the students' listening abilities.
To be effective, however, our spoken communications with the class must be comprehensible. Language which is not understood is just "noise" and does not lead to student language acquisition. For this reason, it is important for us to gauge our students' level of comprehension and adjust our speech to reflect their understanding. we should spend some time at the beginning of our course to be sure we are understood. Our students may be accustomed to hearing a British accent, for example, and may need time to adjust to us. Look at our students carefully as we talk to get cues about their comprehension. Check comprehension frequently by asking questions about content which require listening comprehension, or by asking for questions or comments.
The cloze exercise is a good way to check the students' listening comprehension. Give them a short passage with some words deleted. Read the passage aloud twice. If they are unable to fill in the missing words, they are unable to make sense of the passage. Other ways of using cloze exercises include deleting articles or verbs, for example, if we are working on these forms, to focus students' attention on these language structures. The tape recorder is a valuable asset to the language teacher.
2.                  Reading
Reading is the primary channel through which our students will progress in English after our course is over. A good reading program provides instruction in the skills required at various levels of reading, along with plenty of practice in this skill, which can only be developed through extensive and continual practice. Two types of skills are needed in reading: simple identification skills, (decoding) and higher level cognitive skills such as analyzing, synthesizing, and predicting. The reading program should work on two levels to develop both types of skill.
In order to do this, the program should incorporate two types of reading tasks: intensive and extensive. Intensive reading is close analysis of a short passage and can be used to develop vocabulary, grammar skills, and comprehension. Extensive reading is faster reading of longer passages to develop understanding of writers' organizational strategies, to improve reading speed, and to focus on main ideas.
3.                  Writing and Grammar
Understanding and communicating in English is within the students' reach even if they don't understand the fine points of grammar. The ability to function in English is not directly linked to accuracy of grammatical use or pronunciation. Students need to be encouraged to use English even if they make mistakes. The main purpose of language use, after all, is communication.
Some instruction in grammar is necessary, however. Especially in written work, learning grammar rules can help students to recognize and correct their errors. In preparing to teach grammar, be sure we have a good understanding of the structures that we want to teach, so that presentation is clear. It is also important that students be able to use the grammar they practice. One way to ensure that students can make effective use of what they learn is to teach grammar in conjunction with writing, the skill in which it can best be practiced. In speaking, we do not usually have the time to remember and apply rules of grammar, but in writing we have ample opportunity to monitor our usage. It is in writing that grammar instruction is most useful. The grammatical forms which are most useful and most learnable are those which control sentence-level functions such as question form, negation, relative clause formation and other structures involved in subordination and coordination. These features are more important than correct usage of articles or other no sentence-level features. Focusing on paragraph features such as, tense continuity across clauses, parallel structure, and connectors, will help students in reading comprehension as well
4.                  Speaking
Assesment need will determine whether the development of speaking skill is a goal in ESP class. For many ESP situations, development of speaking skills may be beyond the scope of what it is possible for teacher to provide every student with practice in speaking is an inefficient use of classroom time. Discussion groups are notoriously difficult to manage. Students rarely listen to each other talk and conversation degenerates into one student after another saying unrelated things. If teaching speaking skills is one of the objectives; for example, in an ESP class in English for Tourism, we will need to select activities that reflect the real functions for which the students will use English.
Pronunciation is often overstressed in language teaching and should play a restricted role in the class, and also Role playing is an effective way to stimulate conversation in the classroom. We can use flowcharts to outline a situation which  want to use as a base for developing students' speaking skills.
This paper explain the concepts of ESP, According Hutchinson and Waters (1987, p. 19) as cited in Tsao (2011, p. 129) defined ESP as "an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner's reason for learning". ESP differs from EGP in the sense that the words and sentences learned and the subject matter discussed are all relevant to a particular field or discipline. The purpose of learning ESP that to reveal subject-specific language, to develop target performance competencies, to teach underlying knowledge, to develop strategic competence, and to foster critical awareness. Some examples of ESP material to learn such as listening, reading, speaking, writing, grammar.
Teachers nowadays, however, are much more aware of the importance of needs analysis, and materials writers think very carefully about the goals of learners at all stages of materials production. Perhaps this demonstrates the influence that the ESP approach has had on English teaching in general. Clearly the line where General English courses stop and ESP courses start has become very vague indeed.


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